You should review your website design often; this way, your business will stay ahead of the competitors. Many things might indicate that your website needs a design update. Here are a few things we think are essential to look at when reviewing the website.
1. You are getting low search engine ranking/high bounce rate
When your website isn’t giving you the results you need, there might be a problem. Although Search Engine ranking might not be linked to your website design, it is crucial to check the navigation on the website and its usability constantly. A high bounce rate might indicate that your website is not easy to navigate or has engaging content.
2. Your website design doesn’t fit with the aesthetic of your business
Your business aesthetic can change over time, especially if you have just started a new business and are still trying the aesthetic that fits with your idea. So whenever you make a shift with your business, you should consider the steps to take on your website. This way, you will keep your aesthetic the same everywhere, resulting in your company having a better brand image.
3. Company growth
When your company is growing, you might be adding new products and services to the business and therefore need to update the information on the website. Sometimes that means updating your website design to make the navigation easier or promoting new services.
4. Website Design is not optimised for mobile devices
As technology expands and mobile devices become more advanced, they can nearly do anything you can do on your desktop. In the past, it was easy to maintain a desktop-only version of your site. However, it is more important to put mobile design first so it’s easy to navigate and the users get a complete experience from the website. A good indicator of your mobile design performance is looking at the bounce rate of visitors using said devices. Google Search Console would also send you (the owner) notifications about the usability issues on mobile devices. The device on your mobile should be smooth and fast; if it is not, you might have to look into updating your design or making amends to the mobile format
5. Rebranding
Your business might be going through a rebranding project, so the competitive look of your brand will change. This s a sign to change your website too. Update the website design to fit your brand image to the best of its ability. When rebranding, you might have to redesign your website entirely instead of just updating/refreshing the design. Web design future should be part of your plan/schedule when rebranding or changing the brand message.
6. Site looks outdated
It’s easy to notice that your site is outdated; you can see it through competitor analysis. Another sign could be your high bounce rate or that the website was designed over 2-3 years ago, and no design updates have been made since. The design trends change rapidly nowadays; therefore, updating your website design should be part of your maintenance tasks. This will help you keep the website fresh and fitting with the current trends.
7. The website has a lot of errors and bugs
Having your website run smoothly is a crucial part of doing business through the site. If a customer comes to the website and encounters many errors and bugs like 404 pages, they will withdraw from using the services. It is essential when your business is based on WooCommerce or other retail platforms. If you start to see less engagement and conversion on your website, it can be an indicator of bugs and errors showing up, and it’s time to run a detailed check on it.
8. Improve the user experience
To improve your user experience, you should ensure that the website is engaging and easy to navigate. Therefore, you should always check the website from the customer/visitor point of view, trying to pretend that you are on it for the first time. Ask yourself the questions, is it engaging? Are any bugs, errors popping out anywhere? Would the customer know where to go when looking for a specific thing on your page?
All those questions should be answered, and if there’s any negative feedback, you should rethink the website design to improve the user experience.
9. Website isn’t delivering leads and conversions
When you see that your website isn’t making many conversions but has much traffic, it might signify that there is something wrong with the website. You examine your website and check if the main page is aesthetically pleasing to call for action. You should also check what your competitors are doing to improve and gain a competitive advantage.
10. Loading time
We have spoken about how vital loading time is for a website. The longer it loads, the bigger chance of potential clients leaving. The speed of the website should be optimised all the time. Technology is evolving all the time, and so some plugins or themes you use might go out of date and start slowing down your website. There are many things you can change to optimise the speed of your website; you can check out the previous article to learn what can be slowing your website down.